Acne, Lifestyle

What are 3 ways to prevent acne?

Acne is usually described as an inflammatory skin disease. The inflammatory response is influenced by many “on-the-surface” factors such as the overproduction of sebum (oil) and keratin by the sebaceous glands.

This overproduction of oil clogs the hair follicle and leads to bacterial growth.

The bacteria multiplies and causes inflammation, and the result can appear in the form of what is known as a blackhead (an open comedo) or a whitehead (if it’s below the surface). 

Acne is a warning sign of something very wrong inside your body.

Acne is in fact a healing process, not only a disease. The body is trying to heal itself, and it manifests in acne. Your body is desperately trying to tell you something. 

Every type of blemish you have acts as a messenger from the body. It is suggesting changes to your diet and lifestyle that will only benefit you in the long run. .

Acne can suggest that you are too tense and need to manage your stress more effectively. It can also suggest that you are in the wrong job and you should consider a new one. It may suggest that you over-consume harmful foods and that your system is loaded with toxins. 

Researchers have found that the presence of certain Androgen hormones such as Dihydro Testosterone (DHT) and Insulin make the oil glands go into overdrive causing the excess sebum to block the pores. Insulin was also found to advocate inflammation in the cellular levels.

There are several factors that when addressed properly can reduce pro-inflammatory hormones and skin inflammation and thus eliminate acne naturally:

First, your diet must change. There is no way around this. You have to minimize the production of pro-inflammatory hormones by consuming food that will calm the surge of hormones, nourish your body with valuable nutrients and reduce overall body and skin inflammation.

This means lowering the amount of sugar and simple carbs in your diet while increasing the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.

The second thing you have to do in order to heal your acne naturally is to take anti-inflammatory supplements. These are supplements that help the body produce anti-inflammatory hormones. Omega 3 is a good example of that.

The last thing that has to be addressed is the accumulation of toxins from poor dietary and lifestyle choices.

Toxic buildup is another major factor in the acne equation. Toxic buildup in your blood, bowels and liver can occur if your primary organs of elimination (intestines, liver and kidneys) cannot deal with the extreme quantities of toxic waste, either because they are clogged or are overloaded with toxins themselves.

Probably the best way to get rid of the excess waste and toxins is through eating a very clean diet for a long period of time but it is often not enough.

You may need to conduct other more intense methods such as juice fasting, high enema which reaches all of your colon and other protocols as well,  but you must consult with your family doctor before conducting such cleansing techniques. They may not be safe for everyone.


Need guidance on how to get rid of your acne? Check out my Acne No More program

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