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Acne, Diet, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Why certain people will never have acne

Every acne sufferer knows at least a few people that never had acne when they were young and have always had a flawless skin.

When I was 14 I had terrible acne and I always envied my friends who could eat whatever they want and still maintained such a smooth skin.

What did they all have in common? Was it their genes?

It certainly wasn’t the food because they were having junk food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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Can You Blame Genetics for Your Acne?

Your genetic tendencies is by far the most important factor leading to the formation of acne. Unfortunately most genetic factors cannot be controlled or deactivated.

Genetic tendencies are merely individual tendencies of the body to act or react in a certain way that is not common to everyone. Genetic tendencies are the missing link that explains the difference between people who have acne and those who do not.

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