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Tips and Suggestions

Acne, Diet, Tips and Suggestions

Why dietary changes may not be enough to eliminate acne

Probably the most frustrating thing is to follow a strict acne diet only to wake up every morning with a new acne breakout.

One reason is that your diet may still require some fine tuning.

The fact that a certain food is healthy doesn’t mean that you can consume as much you want. Another reason is that your diet is great but there are other underlying causes to your acne that have not been addressed yet.

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Acne, Tips and Suggestions

This island has ZERO cases of acne. Are they doing anything different?

Acne has become prevalent among Western societies. We don’t see it as an anomaly. It has become so common among our adolescents that we’re sometimes surprised when we see a teenager with a smooth clear skin but should that really be the norm?

A small island in the Pacific Ocean never saw one case of acne in either teenagers or adults. What is their secret?

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Acne, Skin Care, Supplements, Tips and Suggestions

Can pimples pop on their own?

I was always tempted to squeeze or pop my pimples. I knew it wasn’t the best option but I just couldn’t resist especially if it made me look uglier.

Did you know that pimples contain oil, bacteria and grime or dead cells? But if you pop a pimple, you are basically interfering with your skin’s natural healing process.

So should you leave them be? Will they disappear on their own? And if so, when exactly?

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Acne, Diet, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

How long should you be in the sun to really benefit your skin?

If you live in a polluted city, spend most of your time indoors, have no plants at home or live in a northern climate, then chances are that you are not getting adequate amounts of sunlight exposure and fresh air as you should.

Sunlight and the exposure to the sun are essential to our health, as well as to your emotional and mental well being. Similar to diet, proper nutrition, exercise and sleep, a controlled and moderate daily exposure to the sun and to adequate amounts of fresh air are two important foundations of good health.

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Acne, Diet, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Why certain people will never have acne

Every acne sufferer knows at least a few people that never had acne when they were young and have always had a flawless skin.

When I was 14 I had terrible acne and I always envied my friends who could eat whatever they want and still maintained such a smooth skin.

What did they all have in common? Was it their genes?

It certainly wasn’t the food because they were having junk food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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Acne, Diet, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Best Methods To Eliminate Acne Scars?

Unfortunately, when an acne condition is aggressive, as it was in my case, besides emotional scarring, the acne war doesn’t end without casualties. After a severe form of acne heals, it leaves broken red veins and scars in different shapes and sizes.

After going a long way to achieve the desired clear skin, it seems that achieving a definitive clear skin demands not only eliminating the source of your acne and maintaining the results, but it also requires the banishing of acne reminders as well.

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Acne, Diet, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Acne on your nose? On your cheeks? Here’s what it means…

I always suffered from cystic acne on my cheeks but I noticed that pimples would appear on other areas of my face depending on what I was eating, drinking and even feeling that day or the day before.

If we could pinpoint exactly why we get acne in specific areas we could basically prevent it from happening. But how much truth is there to the acne facial map?

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