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Acne, Skin Care, Supplements, Tips and Suggestions

Can pimples pop on their own?

I was always tempted to squeeze or pop my pimples. I knew it wasn’t the best option but I just couldn’t resist especially if it made me look uglier.

Did you know that pimples contain oil, bacteria and grime or dead cells? But if you pop a pimple, you are basically interfering with your skin’s natural healing process.

So should you leave them be? Will they disappear on their own? And if so, when exactly?

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Acne, Diet, Lifestyle, Supplements, Tips and Suggestions

candida infection: is this the real culprit behind your acne?

Did you know that people with acne, eczema and psoriasis tend to suffer from Candida yeast overgrowth much more than those who have no skin issues?

Candida, a very stubborn fungal organism thrives and feeds itself in a variety of ways, with a significant help of modern industrial foods, western nutrition, modern urban lifestyle and low quality human maintenance.

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Acne, Diet, Lifestyle, Supplements, Tips and Suggestions

Omega 3 vs Acne. Can It Really Be a Game Changer For You?

So many studies have found Omega 3 to have real disease-countering benefits such as lowering the chances of having diabetes, arthritis, heart attack and even psoriasis. Omega-3 oil may also help in lifting depression, reducing hypertension and even aid in cancer prevention.

Hormonal balance (crucial to reduce the symptoms of acne) and your health in general are highly dependent on the proper fat ratio intake. You simply need to maintain a proper ratio between saturated fats and essential fatty acid fats.

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