Is there really a possible correlation between smoking and acne?
We all know that smoking can cause yellowing of the fingers and nails, discoloration of the teeth, uneven skin pigmentation, and deeper facial wrinkles. But can it also cause pimples?
Did you know that people with acne, eczema and psoriasis tend to suffer from Candida yeast overgrowth much more than those who have no skin issues?
Candida, a very stubborn fungal organism thrives and feeds itself in a variety of ways, with a significant help of modern industrial foods, western nutrition, modern urban lifestyle and low quality human maintenance.
So many studies have found Omega 3 to have real disease-countering benefits such as lowering the chances of having diabetes, arthritis, heart attack and even psoriasis. Omega-3 oil may also help in lifting depression, reducing hypertension and even aid in cancer prevention.
Hormonal balance (crucial to reduce the symptoms of acne) and your health in general are highly dependent on the proper fat ratio intake. You simply need to maintain a proper ratio between saturated fats and essential fatty acid fats.
Your scalp, like your face, can have clogged or blocked pores. This is usually caused by excess oil production combined with dead skin cells as well as skin irritants found in hair care products like shampoos and conditioners.
These scalp pimples are usually very sensitive to the touch and can be painful. Some of them are actually raised and you can feel that bump with your fingers. What can you do to eliminate them and prevent new ones from developing?
I love tofu. It tastes good but I didn’t realize that it can affect my hormones and trigger acne on my face.
I don’t necessarily eat soy products on a daily basis but whenever I do a new pimple or two will appear on my face, especially on my forehead. Am I simply allergic or am I reacting to the effect of soy on my hormones?
Grains, depending on how you grow, prepare, and ingest them, can either be a great source of nutrition or poison.
Grains in excess and not prepared right (including whole grains which are better than refined) are acid and mucus forming and may aggravate the delicate lining of your G.I. tract, causing food allergies, poor nutrient absorption and digestion problems.
Sleep is a natural state of rest when we temporarily lose our consciousness of the world.
Sleep is also a building process when the body restores its energy supplies that have been depleted through the day’s activities. In sleep the body rejuvenates and repairs itself.
Clinically speaking, a tight correlation was found between insomnia (the inability to fall asleep or to remain asleep) and acne. Sleep and skin are strongly related.
Laughter, besides being a powerful brain, respiratory and hormonal system simulator, is also very effective at lowering blood pressure, lightening depression and of course it is an excellent stress reducer.
Laughter is the simplest way to feel good and release accumulated tension.
Sigmund Freud referred to laughter as a very safe way of releasing anxiety, anger, fear, aggression and tension. But can it affect your skin?