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Acne, Lifestyle

Does aloe vera help acne?

Aloe vera is an evergreen plant with thick leaves.

It is an excellent soother and an antibiotic treatment highly beneficial for acne-prone skin. 

It also has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. 

The gel inside its leaves is the internal part of the aloe vera plant. It can heal damaged, broken and red irritated skin. It can also accelerate the healing process of your acne while reducing redness and swelling.

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Acne, Lifestyle

Does drinking water reduce pimples?

Drinking pure, clean water each day is one of the best things you can do for your skin especially if you suffer from acne.

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it protects you from viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens.

Your skin is about 64% water so not drinking enough water per day may disrupt its functioning. In short, keeping your skin hydrated enough is a must.

Insufficient moisture on your skin will make it lose its soft characteristics and could theoretically develop wrinkles.

Drinking water will replenish the skin tissue and increase its elasticity. This is how you can basically delay aging related fine lines, blemishes and wrinkles.

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Acne, Lifestyle

At what age pimples stop growing?

Acne can be really frustrating. Young people keep asking me, when will my acne go away? Not surprisingly, I also get that same question from adults.

As you probably know already, pimples or zits are the result of skin pore blockage. Excess oil production, dead skin cells and bacteria can all block your pores.

Unfortunately, for most people, regardless of age,  if the underlying factors or causes of acne are not properly addressed,  then it may never disappear.

Did you know that 26% of 40 year olds and 12% of 50 year olds have acne? Did you also know that about 10% of females that developed acne in their adolescence will suffer from very oily skin during their entire life?

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Acne, Lifestyle

What are 3 ways to prevent acne?

Acne is usually described as an inflammatory skin disease. The inflammatory response is influenced by many “on-the-surface” factors such as the overproduction of sebum (oil) and keratin by the sebaceous glands.

This overproduction of oil clogs the hair follicle and leads to bacterial growth.

The bacteria multiplies and causes inflammation, and the result can appear in the form of what is known as a blackhead (an open comedo) or a whitehead (if it’s below the surface). 

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Acne, Lifestyle

Can Candida cause acne?

Candida is a microorganism (a vicious yeast) that dwells inside the digestive system and can transform from yeast to a fungus as it seeks the opportunity to propagate.

When candida starts to flourish it can negatively affect the colon, bladder, liver and vagina.

The most destructive aspect of candida growth results mainly from its waste product (mycotoxins) that can affect the brain, the immune system, joints, muscles, tissues and especially damaging the functionality of the liver.

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Acne, Diet, Tips and Suggestions

Why dietary changes may not be enough to eliminate acne

Probably the most frustrating thing is to follow a strict acne diet only to wake up every morning with a new acne breakout.

One reason is that your diet may still require some fine tuning.

The fact that a certain food is healthy doesn’t mean that you can consume as much you want. Another reason is that your diet is great but there are other underlying causes to your acne that have not been addressed yet.

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Acne, Tips and Suggestions

This island has ZERO cases of acne. Are they doing anything different?

Acne has become prevalent among Western societies. We don’t see it as an anomaly. It has become so common among our adolescents that we’re sometimes surprised when we see a teenager with a smooth clear skin but should that really be the norm?

A small island in the Pacific Ocean never saw one case of acne in either teenagers or adults. What is their secret?

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Acne, Skin Care, Supplements, Tips and Suggestions

Can pimples pop on their own?

I was always tempted to squeeze or pop my pimples. I knew it wasn’t the best option but I just couldn’t resist especially if it made me look uglier.

Did you know that pimples contain oil, bacteria and grime or dead cells? But if you pop a pimple, you are basically interfering with your skin’s natural healing process.

So should you leave them be? Will they disappear on their own? And if so, when exactly?

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