Acne, Tips and Suggestions

This island has ZERO cases of acne. Are they doing anything different?

Acne has become prevalent among Western societies. We don’t see it as an anomaly. It has become so common among our adolescents that we’re sometimes surprised when we see a teenager with a smooth clear skin but should that really be the norm?

A small island in the Pacific Ocean never saw one case of acne in either teenagers or adults. What is their secret?

Well, the Swedish doctor and researcher Staffan Lindeberg, traveled to the Kitava island, in Papua New Guinea, and studied about 1200 inhabitants, including 300 teenagers.

What he discovered was amazing. He saw zero cases of acne. None whatsoever. How can that be? Well, the secret was in their diet!

Their diet consisted mostly of whole plant based foods like sweet potatoes, coconut, fruits, some fish, and vegetables. They never had dairy products, processed food, junk food or alcohol. So different from what we eat in our Western diet.

Though their carb intake was high, most of it had low glycemic load, meaning it didn’t spike up the blood sugar to levels where insulin and acne-triggering hormones are affected.

What’s even more amazing is that other groups on different areas of the Island who consumed a diet that was similar to a Western diet developed acne and other diseases.

So contrary to what most doctors say, diet does have a lot to do with acne. Remember the people of Kitava. They are a living proof that a simple change in eating habits can have a positive effect on your skin condition and on your overall health.

Need guidance on how to get rid of your acne? Check out my Acne No More program

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