I was always tempted to squeeze or pop my pimples. I knew it wasn’t the best option but I just couldn’t resist especially if it made me look uglier.
Did you know that pimples contain oil, bacteria and grime or dead cells? But if you pop a pimple, you are basically interfering with your skin’s natural healing process.
So should you leave them be? Will they disappear on their own? And if so, when exactly?
Some pimples just won’t pop. You try and squeeze them but they seem stubborn. Others like cysts, sometimes just need a small squeeze and they start popping.
There is a certain life span to a pimple. It develops from blocked pores and bacteria. White blood cells are then sent to fight off the infection.
They die but form pustules. The infection at this final stage heals but may form a scar.
Large pimples can take up to 30-45 days to disappear but the smaller kind may take only a couple of days.
Now, you don’t want to leave any scar tissue so if you have some patience you can try drying them up. This can speed up the healing process.
You can apply 5% Benzoyl peroxide twice a day. And you can also try this Aspirin paste:
Take 5 “uncoated” aspirins and crush them into a bowl and add 1 teaspoon water and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar into the bowl, wait a minute or two for aspirins to dissolve into a PASTE, stir with your
finger and dab this paste on to individual spots.
Need guidance on how to get rid of your acne? Check out my Acne No More program
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