Acne, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions


Is there really a possible correlation between smoking and acne?

We all know that smoking can cause yellowing of the fingers and nails, discoloration of the teeth, uneven skin pigmentation, and deeper facial wrinkles. But can it also cause pimples?

Yes, latest study shows a straight correlation between smoking habits and post-pubertal acne.

It makes a lot of sense if you think about it. As you smoke you inhale a toxic mix of more than 7,000 chemicals and compounds. These chemicals enter the blood and from there to every organ in the body.

Now the body, in its infinite wisdom, wants to remove those toxins from organs such as the brain and the heart so it uses the skin as an elimination channel. A third kidney so to speak.

I know it’s hard to quit smoking but please try to at least cut down cigarettes over a period of time, reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke every day. Remember that your body is already loaded with toxins and waste from drinks, food, stress, drugs and so forth so the least you can do is give it a little breather.

Need guidance on how to get rid of your acne? Check out my Acne No More program

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